湖南世通纸塑 - News information

The successful development of kraft paper cup

Author:aaa      Source:aaa      Time:2017-06-09 11:38:29

In December 2008, the company through joint research and test and paper-making enterprises, successfully developed for the production of kraft paper cups, solve the water seepage, the rough surface of the United States imported kraft paper defects, completely achieves the performance of a coated paper cups, with good surface smoothness, good stiffness, more environmental protection and other characteristics, is the coffee cup is preferred.

After the development and experiment in 2009, the company has successfully developed a 3\\5\\7\\9\\10\\12 ounces of coffee cups, and 15, 18, 20cm kraft paper plate, product has become the designated product of ASKUL in Japan, the Japanese market has been well received by the consumers.


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